Garmenta Apparel Shipping Policy

Shipping is a critical part of our workflow together and the goal is to get you your products as soon as possible. As of Jan 1st 2021 all Garmenta Apparel clients are responsible for submitting pre-paid shipment labels as PDF documents prior to shipment of samples, patterns and other goods. 

We understand that this is an extra step to your busy schedule, but this will help out by: 

  1. Ensuring correct shipping address. Sometimes typos occur or you need to ship to a new address. You know better than we do where your package needs to go.

  2. You choose preferred shipping method. Post office, Fedex, DHL, etc. Whatever your preference is, we will ensure your preferred provider. receives the package.

  3. You determine how fast and how much money should be spent on your shipment. There are lots of options within each shipping platform. This way you can choose the best method to work for your budget.

  4. You have the tracking information automatically.

Prior to shipment

When a package is ready to be sent you will receive a postage request email containing packing list, approximate dimensions, weight and type of container. With this information you should have all the necessary information to choose the postage that works for you. 

How to make PDF labels for: 



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I have an account with {fill in the blank, shipment provider}. Can you just use my account # to charge me?

A: Unfortunately for services such as Fedex, when you use someone else’s account number, we lose the visibility to choose how much the estimated shipment amount is. We could be trying to be proactive by getting your shipment to you asap, but then you get hit for a large bill which is never a good thing. 

Additionally, we prefer to limit our liability for address input and shipment speed, so even if you have an account, we kindly ask for you to help out with the request to provide a PDF document.

Q: You are dropping off my package as soon as you get my label, right? 

A: Your package should ship within a 2-3 day window after receiving confirmation label has been received. Same day shipment is not always an option due to workload or last pick up times for each carrier.

Thank you for your help and understanding with this matter!